Does it taste good? Nope, this is not about taste, it’s about retrieving and stabilizing good health. I do this on average about once or twice a month to maintain good health. But for those who are dealing with health issues, it can and should be a daily habit, until all symptoms of disease are gone.

Fresh Turmeric Juice Cocktail

(Serves 3)


  • 1 lb fresh turmeric rhizome (organic if possible)
  • 1 bunch fresh organic cilantro
  • 1 in. piece of ginger (organic if possible)
  • Juice of one organic lemon
  • 5 drops of organic black pepper essential oil (this really needs to be organic)


Run the first 3 ingredients through a juicer and if you can juice the whole lemon, and add that too. If not, just squeeze the juice from the lemon and add at the end.

Add essential oil of black pepper (I use dōTERRA®). Black pepper potentiates curcumin, making it 2000 times more bioavailable to your body.

I divide this beverage into three serving and have one third each day for three days.

Store in the refrigerator.

