If you would like to purchase your high quality recommended supplements through me, you may visit Full Script Dispensary to register and order them online.

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I believe our diet is the most important thing we can change to improve our health. This is because whole, nutrient-dense foods are the substrate that heals us. What are nutrients? They are bits of information that speak to our DNA which instruct our genes. If we want our genes to express in a beneficial and positive way, we need these nutrients! Can our foods give us all that we truly need? Sadly, studies are showing that our soil is lacking in many of the nutrients that plants and animals take up, and this means our foods are much lower in nutrients than even 50 years ago. This is due primarily to chemical-based farming practices.

I recommend the following supplement product lines, available from FullScript

Biotics Research      Integrative Therapeutics   Metagenics  Neuroscience

Always choose organic, non-GMO produce and grass-fed, pasture-raised meats. And to ensure you are getting all the nutrients necessary for optimal health, I suggest making regular supplementation a part of your daily routine. Using high quality supplements assures you that you are getting the nutrients you need.

Coming soon: short articles on important specific nutrients—why we need them, how to use supplements to ensure you are getting enough, and how to choose foods that have higher levels of these nutrients. Learn more about your food.

Kalene McCrary, NTP, CGP recommends these daily supplements:

500-C Methoxyflavone™

Vitamin C is one of the most important nutritional supplements we can take on a daily basis. Humans are not like the rest of the mammals in the animal kingdom (with some exceptions) who are able to synthesize their own vitamin C. We cannot make vitamin C on our own. It is an excellent antioxidant, and it works hard to neutralize damaging free radicals.

Free radicals are unpaired electrons. Electrons like to hang out in pairs which are stable; but unstable unpaired electrons are very dangerous. Without a mate they fly around without restraint, damaging tissue and eventually causing disease by damaging our DNA through oxidation. Oxidation is very similar to rust, in fact oxidized metal is rust. And this is exactly what happens to our cells when they are exposed to free radicals.

Vitamin C stops free radicals and the damage they cause by giving an electron to an unpaired electron. Once paired, oxidation and damage stops.

Vitamin C is used along with hyaluronic acid in the production of collagen. When we are low in C, collagen production is hampered. Collagen is a very important part of our skeletal structure as it is the matrix that bone is made of and is where our minerals attach to, making up our skeleton. It is a big part of what makes up the structure of our skin as well. When we are deficient in C, collagen production falls below healthy levels and we see our skin sag, and problems with creating good healthy bone. This is what I call rapid aging.

Vitamin C is able to help with infections, we all know how well C will cut the duration of a cold!

Foods high in vitamin C include yellow bell peppers, citrus fruits, broccoli and other cruciferous veggies, kiwi, guava, cantaloupe, strawberries, papaya, acerola cherries, kakadu plumbs, and rose hips.

But to make sure you’re getting enough of this old fashion underappreciated nutrient, vitamin C should be taken as a supplement every day. 1000 to 3000 mg a day should do it.

Metagenics D3 1000™

Vitamin D3

This essential vitamin is not actually a vitamin, D3 is a hormone, and optimal levels are essential for good health. We know individuals with low levels of D3 are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, cancer, systemic inflammation, heart disease, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis. The list is very long as D3 is involved in 100’s of metabolic functions. People who struggle with depression during the winter season (seasonal affective disorder, SAD) are actually low in vitamin D, this is because there isn’t enough sunshine to keep D levels high enough to prevent this disorder.

For those of us living at higher latitudes and those who prefer to stay out of the sun it is difficult, even impossible, to get enough sunshine to make good levels of D, and supplementation is essential. Some people mistakenly believe they get adequate levels from their D fortified milk, but the D added to milk is D2 which is a synthetic form. This type of D is much less desirable than healthy D3, and some studies suggest it may even have a toxic effect in the body.

I suggest finding out what your current D levels are. A simple inexpensive blood test (23 (OH) hydroxy vitamin D3) can revel your levels. Ideally I like to see optimal levels between 80 and 100 ug/dl, higher than what is typically recommended. For more information see my article Sunshine on My Shoulders

OmegaGenics® EPA-DHA 1000

Omega 3 fatty acids are the best gift you can give your brain. It is unfortunate that mainstream medicine doesn’t push this nutrient like it pushes drugs, especially since they work better than drugs in most cases, and this nutrient has been shown to reduce risk of cognitive decline by 63% according to a study done in 2011. Omega 3’s are a really big systemic inflammation quencher which help down-regulate chronic inflammation, and this relates to the inflammation in arteries. When arteries are inflamed cholesterol will build up in the wall of the inflamed artery and potentially cause deadly blockages. This nutrient can be a deterrent to a cardiovascular event, as it helps keep the vessels and heart healthy and prevent stroke.

Omega 3’s help keep joints strong and flexible, raise HDL the “good cholesterol”, and help with better concentration, memory and focus. They also improve the immune system and boost energy production. The quality of your omega 3 supplement is important, however. Most comes from fish oil and the extraction process can cause contamination. I always recommend high quality oils, they might cost a bit more but they are worth every penny.